HIDOE Library Support Center

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How do I add equipment and peripherals to LS2?

With the increase of 1:1 schools and digital devices being issued to students, several schools inquired about using LS2, the centralized library management system to assist with tracking the assignment of devices to students.

Schools may use LS2 for BASIC assigning devices to students using the following guidelines and recommendations.

LS2 is NOT an asset management tool that accounts for depreciation, repair orders, advanced inventory reporting etc. If a school would like or need additional functionality other than basic inventory of equipment and assigning devices and peripherals to students at a school an asset management application would be a more appropriate solution.

  1. Consult with the school librarian and/or staff to ensure everyone has the same understanding of how the LS2 will be utilized.

  2. Barcoding items using the 14-digit barcode format:

    1. All equipment with a state ID can use the HIDOE 14-digit barcode format OR the state inventory ID.  Click here for details.

      1. If using the state inventory ID, you MUST enter it exactly as displayed on the sticker.  (i.e. EV12345 not ev12345).

    2. All peripherals and other items MUST use the HIDOE 14-digit barcode format.

    3. Recommended that the barcodes be ordered from TLC to ensure there is no duplication or errors in the barcoding sequence.  Click here for barcode order form.

  3. Equipment must be added to the ‘Equipment’ collection in LS2 to ensure it does not count against a student’s library book checkout limit.

  4. If entering items individually, use this: http://vlibrary.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/1000224080-what-marc-standards-should-be-used-for-equipment-in-ls2-

  5. If requesting a bulk upload, schools should use the attached spreadsheet templates and be submitted the TLC Online Support Center.  Check with the school librarians for assistance.

  6. If any questions, contact Shane Asselstine 808-305-9759 or email shane.asselstine@k12.hi.us.

NOTE: These guidelines will be updated and enhanced as needed.

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