Students will see a "Friends" tab in their main navigation bar, next to "Challenges."
How to invite friends
Students can invite another student in their school to be their friend by clicking the "Invite Friends" button. A box will pop up where they can type the first and/or last name of their friend to find the correct student.
Once they've selected the friend they want to invite, the student can then click "Invite Friend." While that invitation is pending, it will appear at the bottom of their friends screen, with a note reading "Invitation Sent."
A student can cancel an invitation by clicking the three dots in the upper righthand corner of the friend card and selecting "Cancel this Invitation." If the requested friend accepts the invitation, the card will become clickable and move up to become a confirmed friend. If a requested friend denies the invitation, the card will simply disappear from the requesting students' friends screen without a notification.
Once a student has more than 20 friends, their friend cards will be paginated to show 20 friends per page. There is no limit to the number of friend invitations a student can send. They can only request other students in their individual school, however, and not from their whole school district. If a student changes schools, they will get a new profile and will not retain any friends from their previous school. Teachers are not included as possible friends, and cannot request friendship with students or each other.
How to accept friends
When a student has received a friend request, a banner will appear at the top of their screen reading "View Requests." From there, they can select accept or decline. If they decline, they will be asked to confirm their decision before the invitation is removed.
How to delete friends
A student can delete a friend at any time by clicking the three dots in the upper righthand corner of that friend's card and selecting "Remove Friend." A window will pop up asking the student to verify that they want to remove that friendship. The student must click "Remove" to finalize.
How to see friends' reading activity
A student can view their friends' reading activity on the friends screen by clicking directly on any confirmed friend's name card or clicking the three dots in the upper righthand corner of the friend's name card and selecting "View Friend." This will open a pop-up window showing that friend's four most recently earned badges and either their total minutes logged, total books logged, or both, depending on your site settings. They can click over to "Challenges" to see the current and past challenges in which that friend participated or to "Reading Log" to see the last four book titles that friend logged.
How to view leaderboards
A student can see their logging activity ranked against their friends' logging activity by clicking on the "Leaderboard" tab next to "Friends." Each individualized leaderboard lists the top 25 readers among that student's friends, either by books logged, minutes logged, or both, depending on your site settings. A student can toggle between viewing the past week's leaderboard (since Monday) or the past month's leaderboard using the dropdown in the upper righthand corner of the screen.