The nightly SIS update to LS2 includes all active students. Student records are automatically moved to a different school when the student record is updated in the SIS. The exception will be if the student transfers to a school that does not use LS2. For example, a student record for a student transferring from Castle High School to Kahuku High School would remain at Castle since Kahuku High School does not use LS2. They use the community library system on campus.
In such situations, please choose from one of the options below.
Option 2: If you want to keep the student record with the outstanding obligation but do not want it to keep the record at the school location, change the home location manually to School Library Services and removed the Responsible Party link. (NOTE: To remove the Responsible Party link, click on the Borrower Info button then click the "Remove" button next to the Responsible Party name. Click Save Changes.)
Option 3: If you want to keep the student record at the school in case the student returns, keep the student at the school location, add a Borrower Comment noting this student transferred out, manually remove the Responsible Party link so this student does not continue to show up on responsible party reports, and change the borrower type to withdrawn.